Javascript coding
Javascript coding

JavaScript has continued to grow alongside new browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome since then. It was a general-purpose scripting language to ensure web pages’ interoperability across different browsers and devices. After Netscape submitted it to ECMA International as a standard specification for web browsers, JavaScript pioneered the release of ECMAScript. Visit MDN-JavaScript Basics.The initial versions of the scripting language were for internal use only. MDN Web Docs - It provides one of the best resources to learn JavaScript from basics to advance.JavaScript Tutorial from Programiz - We provide step by step tutorials along with library functions and examples.That is, a variable containing a number may be reassigned to a string. JavaScript is a dynamically typed language.Since the compilation is handled at run time, JavaScript is considered an interpreted language. JavaScript uses the just-in-time compilation technique.Any browser supporting JavaScript can run the code irrespective of the operating system JavaScript is a platform-independent language.On the client-side, the code is run and displayed by the browser. JavaScript is used on both the client-side and the server-side.So irrespective of the machine, if the browser supports JavaScript, codes can run. Platform Independence - JavaScript codes are run on browsers. It uses a just-in-time compilation technique at run-time.Įvent-Based Programming - JavaScript allows us to write codes that are executed differently under different events.

javascript coding

Interpreted Language - JavaScript is an interpreted programming language. Objects are used to represent the real-world entity in the program.

javascript coding

Prototype-based Object-oriented - JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language.

Javascript coding